Ayurveda Food

Our diet is a key factor influencing our health. Ayurveda believes that food nourishes the body, mind and consciousness. Incorporating the teachings of Ayurveda, the Sukhodaya Restaurant brings you a range of wholesome food items. Aushada Kanji – Medicinal broth, ideal for arthritis Diabetic Kanji – Medicinal broth good for diabetes Diabetic Juice – Good […]

Yoga & Meditation

It was Pathanjali Maharshi who first advocated yoga as a science. In his book ‘Pathanjala Yogasoothram’, he has brought to light the tremendous power of yoga. The practice of yoga opens the way to a happy and harmonious life. Self- confidence, maturity, intelligence and sharp memory are the qualities, a regular yoga practitioner is endowed […]


With great immense pleasure we are happy to announce our 75th Anniversary of Excellence in service.  In this special occasion we are expanding our business to a new level of concept Ayurveda treatment along with Exploring Kerala. With this everyone will enjoy the benefit of both our holistic ayurvedic treatments and the mind blowing view […]

First Aid Kit

Sukhodaya Ayurveda First Aid Kit is a collection of six highly effective Ayurveda external application medicines, ideal for first aid in emergencies.

All the medicines in the kit are products of our extensive research backed by modern technological expertise.

The kit is extremely handy in hospitals, health centers, schools and colleges, laboratories, workshops, hotels & lodges, vehicles and even in your homes

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