In to this golden history Lonan Vaidhyan add a part of Ayurveda C L Varghese Vaidhyan who was a scholar in Sanskrit and prepared many Ayurveda Grandhas. Then he migrated to Kanjirappally from Alappuzha in 1947 he had started Sukhodaya Ayurveda hospital. By that opened a new wing to Kanjirappally for eye treatment and panchakarma treatment. To continue the hereditary of healing treatment and massage Varghese Vaidhyan taught his youngest son Dr. C V James who was very good academic back ground in Ayurveda and present M D of Sukhodaya Ayurveda hospital. Dr. C V James and his wife Dr. Reetha James both are not only qualified physicians. But also well experienced and owned inherited knowledge and they devote their whole life for experiment and development of the system by using by pure naturally available herbs. That’s best example is the growth of sukhodaya. In the beginning Sukhodaya was a very small rented building. By the hardworking of this dedicated couple it starts its growth gradually established 10 bedded hospitals to 25 bedded hospital and now have reached up to 100 bedded facilities in a 7 story building with resort model rooms. Apart from this we have medicinal garden of 500 specious of plants and Ayurveda medicines, factory of 400 medicines and 30 patent medicines. In this days Sukhodaya stand in the middle of Sukhodaya Nagar. Which is located beside of Sukhodaya road with all of its proud at the heart of Kanjirappally.



Inherited knowledge of five generations in Ayurveda field, additional experience well academic qualifications and dedication together grand a precious value to sukhodaya ‘s medicines and treatments. In the beginning of A.D 1800 Sree Vareeth Vaidhyan (1855-1905) was very popular for the treatment of eye disorders. Due to his enthusiasm and dedication he got wide range of know ledge and development of the system by using pure naturally available herbs. Regarding the treatment of an incurable disease of his son Lonan Vaidhyan (1885) who was very famous in Ayurveda treatment in future, Vareeth Vaidhyan studied panchakarma treatments also. Before passing off Vareeth Vaidhyan handover his know ledge which earned by himself and granted from his forefather to his son Lonan Vaidhyan and in addition of this inherited knowledge Lonan Vaidhyan contribution helped him to become very famous In this field. Then it followed to Vidwan C.L Varghese Vaidyan (1908) who is the founder of Sukhodaya Groups. Later on his son Dr.C.V.James 4th generation and his wife Dr.Reetha James developed and established Sukhodaya as it is now and currently it is running successfully with the contribution of Dr. Gladys James , Dr. Lysa Bijoy, Dr. Catherine Albin, Dr. Savio James, the 5th generation of Sukhodaya Ayurvedic Hospitals and Resorts..

Celebrating 75 th Anniversary

Year of 2022 -2023 Sukhodaya is celebrating its platinum jubilee. We can proudly declare that Sukhodaya is very safe in the hands of God and these doctors wants the four new generation qualified and talented doctors of its own hereditary. They are Dr. Lysa Bijoy, Dr. Catherine Albin, Dr. Savio James and Dr. Gladys James. Their hard work and dedication and contribution were stepping stones to reach fulfilling the vision of Sukhodaya, the best and different from all. We keep the quality by providing the international standards and to reach the valuable treatments to every door steps of the needy. Now a day the world is afraid of the attack of corona virus, omicrone, life style diseases, arzhemarse, parkinsons, deep burn cases, and cerebral palsy in child and our doctors has proven that we can cure and avoid fear all these with right treatment correct combination of medicines and systematic care field.

Attractions and highlights of this event:

1. Feel Ayurveda medical camps – Distribution of free medicines, awareness programmes, cultural activities, food fest, camp fire and many more.

2. Medicinal garden promotion – distribute saplings free of cost focusing the idea of developing medicinal gardens at every home.

3. Announcement of opening 24 hrs help desk facility. – A call centre for helping everyone in need with prior approval of the board members.

Our Vision

To be an outstanding hospital of excellence for authentic Ayurveda treatment, and also to propagate Ayurveda globally

Our Mission

” Charity is our mission.”

To be as a backbone support for all discerning patients who lost trust and hope elsewhere and to bring them to experience the beauty of healing in authentic Ayurveda

Our Directors

Dr. C V James

Dr. Reetha James


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